Write for native speakers
"To write well is to think clearly. That's why it's so hard"
— David McCullough
Workshops on Writing in English
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Available to Community Members
Available to Community Members
Available to Community Members
Available to Community Members
Workshop replay
Available to Community Members
Workshop replay
Available to Community Members
Writing is a powerful tool to edit your thinking in English. Use it to learn to prepare and deliver your speech.
Spontaneous conversations are the hardest to master. Yet that's what every language learner wants to achieve - absolute freedom of self-expression and effortless, beautiful, and articulate speech.

Here are my recommendations:
  • master prepared speech first (The SPRINT! Thought Chunking & Pausing is a good start)
  • speak and seek quality feedback as much as you can. That's what we do in the Community of Practice
  • learn the language of feeling and emotion in English. It's not about the words you say. It's all about the way people feel and receive your words. It's not about understanding how they feel. It's all about communicating what you understand. The SPRINT! on Clarity will take you on this journey. You will also find relevant workshop and exercises in the Community
  • learn what Clarity is. It's attentiveness + self-correction. My 5-step program will show you the exact steps to achieve clarity in both prepared and spontaneous speech
  • take good care of your inner state. Watch my video to learn more
Community Writing Studio
Get professional human feedback on everything you write
Emails, resumes, professional profiles, cover letters, and reports - we all need to write these daily for work. So, we practice daily too.
If you need feedback on your business writing, post your text in the space #Writing Studio in our Community
Find dozens of creative exercises with the hashtags #writing in our community or purchase the replays of our Creative Writing SPRINTs!
Members write website copy (you're reading the result of my practice😉), children's books, blog posts, self-reflection pages, ect
Need help with editing your book, the text of your presentation, or website copy in English? Get coaching from me or our native-speaking editor.
We give your text the attention it deserves and help you turn it into a well-written piece
Make Writing Personal
Tips for advanced learners
How to write better. A lot better!
Tips for advanced learners
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© copyright Natalia Tokar
e-mail us: support@nataliatokar.me