Application window opens only twice a year.
Native-Like Fluency
March 31 - Sep 29, 2024
Join the exclusive six-month group-coaching program with Natalia Tokar.

Since March 31 falls on Easter Sunday, the deadline has been extended to April 3, 2024.
Join an international group of inspirational individuals
Dates: March 31 - Sep 29, 2024
The application window opens only twice a year.
What to expect from this program
Metacognitive Strategies
You will learn how to continuously improve your English skills by relying on your individual strengths and consciously applying metacognitive strategies in your daily practice. This will redirect your autopilot mode by consciously changing your unconscious and often-unnoticed speaking patterns.
Individual Practice Routine
Each member of the group will have a personal practice plan designed for them. The goal of the program is to help you create your own practice routines that are easy to integrate into your daily life because they add to the quality of your life, not take away from it.
Human Feedback
This program is about regular practice. You will work on a lot of exercises, and you will receive feedback on everything you do, as often as you need. I give each member of the group individual attention and 60 minutes of my time each month.
Individual & Group Projects
You will participate in both individual and group projects. You will have accountability partners who will give you honest feedback on your stories, ideas, and speaking habits. They will give you a true reflection of how you engage with your audience.
Spontaneous Speaking Practice
We practice both, prepared and spontaneous speech, but the emphasis is on spontaneous speaking skills.
If you're a fast talker by nature and want to keep the same pace in English, you will learn from our specific exercises how to have your mouth catch up with your mind (or vice versa). You will learn to effectively convey your ideas in English without having to repeat yourself or doubt every word you say.
This is one of the three pillars of the method (watch the video above to learn about the other two). The goal of the program is to help you consciously self-correct your unconscious speaking behaviors in English and move on to new levels of mastery. To do so, you need to be able to hear yourself and be present with yourself and others when you speak in English.

Clear Metrics for Success

Fluency can be measured. You will be introduced to a clear measurement system that will help you track your progress and become a more confident learner.
The program
We meet twice a week: Wednesdays and Sundays.

Every Wednesday, we practice a new skill together.
Every Sunday, you deliver your results and receive feedback in real time.
Who is this for?
The theme of the new cohort (March 31 - Sep 29, 2024) is SOUNDING natural in spontaneous conversations in English.

Advanced language learners struggle with overcoming the communication gap: native speakers often receive a message that's different from the one they intended to send. Poor wording, consistent pronunciation mistakes, the habit of choosing "what I know" instead of "what's better for my audience," and low self-awareness in spontaneous speech can lead to frequent miscommunication and impaired relationships
both at work and in your personal life.

Many people are unaware of the skills they're lacking. Some people are aware of their mistakes, but don't have a system in place to correct their speaking habits and achieve new, lasting results.

In this program, you will learn how to effectively self-correct your old, stubborn speaking patterns and internalize new speaking behaviors through embracing effective practice routines and metacognitive learning strategies. The program focuses on helping you sound more clear and natural in English, especially in spontaneous situations. The method will help you take your writing, listening, reading, and thinking skills in English to a new level.
  • Business Professionals
    who work in global companies and want to advance in their careers.
  • Immigrants
    who are building a new life in a new country and learning to belong.
  • Creators & Entrepreneurs
    who need to sell, pitch, and create content in English for English-speaking audiences.
  • ESL teachers
    who need to advance their career but don't really know where to go to improve their speaking, learning, and teaching skills.
This is not a pre-recorded course. We do it LIVE.
If you can't join a LIVE session, the replay will be instantly available.
Intensive program
  1. Two sessions a week
  2. 16 hours of LIVE group coaching a month
  3. Real-time feedback on your work
  4. Lifetime access to the replays
  5. Free pass in the community of practice
  6. Access to ALL my products for the duration of the program

✅ 60-min individual coaching sessions each month to create a personalized practice plan and track your progress

Replays only
70% off
  1. Immediate access to all the replays of the previous cohort (ended in Feb 2024)
  2. Asynchronous feedback on all your work
  3. 12-month access to the replays
  4. Free pass in the community of practice
  5. Access to ALL my products for the duration of the program

One-time fee: $1437

Or 4 monthly payments of: $375

✅ Two 60-min individual sessions

Learn more
Fragments of our sessions
Raw, Real, and inspired by Results
Learning creates change. You can see the NEW only in the REPETITIVE.
When you're telling your story, steer the conversation and give people a reason to stay with you.
What people say about the program
The student in the video below struggled with stressing "can not" correctly.

She also struggled with being herself when around people who also speak English.

To watch a 20-min fragment of a private session where this student shares her results and insights, click here.

*I have the student's consent to share this video

If you have a question about the program, send it over!