Sell anything in English
A deliberate, focused, and guided LIVE program to help
international professionals sell with clarity
... because a confused customer will never say "YES"
2 LIVE sessions each month where you will get to pitch your ideas and receive professional human feedback
10 sessions
March 14
Get Coached
Start date - March 14, 2023
We meet every second Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. GMT +3
Weekly 1:1 coaching calls to help you identify the skills that YOU need to practice to sell with more confidence
Join LIVE from anywhere in the world. Replays are instantly available
No boring theory. No pre-recorded video lessons.
Only raw, real practice to bring out a more resilient, confident, and incredible YOU!
Honest, corrective feedback on how you sell in English today + personal recommendations to improve your sales skills
Sell yourself
This program is perfect for anyone who is looking for a job at an international company and wants to be ready for numerous job interviews in English with HR professionals and C-level executives
Sell your product
Take this unique opportunity to receive honest feedback on your pitch, your intonations, you speaking habits, and your confidence. Use the feedback to improve your pitch and change your unconscious speech patterns.
This program will specifically focus on how to sell to decision makers in English
Sell your ideas
Whether you want to sell a business idea or get a huge budget approved within the organization, you are in the business of selling the potential. Take this training program and practice being heard, considered, and valued when you sell your ideas in English

Learn to sell. In business you’re always selling: to your prospects, investors and employees. To be the best salesperson put yourself in the shoes of the person to whom you’re selling. Don’t sell your product. Solve their problems.

— Mark Cuban

Listen. Care to understand. Sell.
Nurture the relationship with native speakers
As you go through the program, you will rewrite your sales emails, improve your pitches, learn to use your voice, and restructure your existing presentations in English.
Sell yourself to employers
and investors
Learn to structure your speech and thoughts in English. Help people SEE and FEEL what you mean
Sell to decision makers.
Learn to get to the point
Sell ideas to new audiences
(big and small)
Learn to deliver both prepared and spontaneous presentations
Learn to stay present and calm when you must perform under pressure
Prepare both the brief and the detailed version of your story
Tell stories. They sell.

The program overview.
Intense, practical, immediately applicable to real-life
There is no "homework".
Your only homework is to apply what you've learned during your next sales call and reap the reward
Преподаватели курса
  • Александра Иванова
    Основатель и арт-директор в LMao
  • Иван Пантелеев
    Маркетолог в DD agency
  • Леонид Бирецкий
    Data Scientist в WON
  • Михаил Калитин
    Маркетолог в Close Connections
Each month, a new module begins
Старт. Вы знакомитесь с преподавателем и сокурсниками и выбираете тему дипломной работы
Самостоятельное обучение. Вы присутствуете на онлайн лекциях и изучаете материал самостоятельно
Коммуникация и обратная связь. Участвуете в обсуждении заданий и консультируетесь с преподавателем
Защита диплома и сертификат. Вы защищаете дипломную работу и получаете сертификат о прохождении курса
32000 RUB/mo
You can also purchase each module separately.
One module is 40,000 RUB
Community members get 50% off
16500 RUB/mo *
*Community Members get a 50% discount (Membership tiers: Daring Learner and Daring Learner +)

Paid monthly if enroll in the
5-month program.
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