You write the way you think.
When you edit your writing, you edit your thinking in English.
"Self-Editing Tools For Non-Native Speakers of English"
This workshop will introduce you to a multitude of tools
to self-edit your writing in English.
I am not selling this workshop. You are not buying it.
You decide how much to give back.
By sending the payment, you define the value of your commitment to practice. You break free from mindless consumption.

Pay what feels right for the value you've gained.

Any amount is entirely voluntary. Anyone can practice regardless of their income. All payments are final. There are no refunds.
If you're a community member, the replay is yours forever. It's right here
Give as much as you wish
Pay what feels right for the value you received.
(enter any amount in RUB on the page that opens)
Inside the Video Lesson:
If you are already using AI to check your writing, check out my other workshop "Smart AI tools to enhance learning".
I am not against it, but I personally don't use it to edit my own writing.
It kills authenticity.

This workshop is for English learners who need to learn to SPEAK better. They practice writing to learn to express their ideas with clarity in English. To do so, they need to see their thinking patterns and repeating mistakes. This video lesson offers the tools to consciously change those. Once you've done the work, you will be able to use the new ways of putting English words together in your prepared and spontaneous speech.
And you will sound AMAZINGly different!
  • Direct links to the resources where you can check your writing
    free and useful, but few know about them
  • The self-editing method
    explained and demonstrated for you
  • Paraphrasing Tools
    free and many
  • Resources to use more idioms and phrasal verbs in your writing
    exercises and direct links
  • A system to measure your results
    so you know when it's time to stop editing
  • Vocabulary, sentence structure, meaning, register
    10+ resources to find better words
  • Interactive exercises
    to write with clarity in English
  • Resources for daily inspiration
    learn more about good writing, style, and syntax
Give as much as you wish
Pay what feels right for the value you received.
(enter any amount in RUB on the page that opens)
To unlock this and many other powerful workshops, join the community of practice.
Designed for immigrants, ambitious souls, and leaders who need more than "OK" English.

  1. Weekly LIVE Practice sessions with me
  2. My course "Daring Learner" with practice routines for every skill
  3. Video feedback to help you see what I mean
  4. American Accent Training with 21Accents by Amy Walker
  5. Hundreds of creative exercises to help you get to native-like fluency
  6. 50% off all my new products
  7. ALL my online courses and workshops
The Community of Practice. A project by Natalia Tokar
If you have questions about the programs that you purchased, please contact us

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