Job Interview Practice
A LIVE program to help international candidates get ready for
upcoming job interviews in English and negotiate a job offer
3 LIVE sessions where you get to practice your answers in English and receive professional human feedback
3 sessions
Nov 26
Start date - Nov 26, 2023
End date - Dec 8, 2023
You will walk away with ready answers to three job interview questions. Text + audio.
Join LIVE from anywhere in the world. Replays are instantly available
No pre-recorded video lessons.

Only raw, real practice to help you sound prepared, competent, and human at a job interview in English
Honest, corrective feedback on how you sell yourself
in English + personal recommendations to improve your English skills
Tell me about yourself

The most dreaded question. Yet, the most important one. You will practice structuring and delivering your answer in English so that you meet the expectations of your employer and sound like you.
The result will be a 3-min audio file with your answer that can be improved and repurposed in the future.
What are your weaknesses/strengths?
This is said to be the toughest job interview question. Don't give lame answers, such as "I am a perfectionist" or "I care too much", or "I am too detail-oriented". Instead, acknowledge the weakness and explain how you are working to improve it. Recognize your strengths and say why they're of value. LIVE sessions will help you discover your best answer and structure a response that will make you a more attractive candidate.

Why do you think you're ready for a promotion?
90% of candidates don't know how to explain to a future/current employer that they're ready to take on more responsibilities and be in charge of more people. It's often hard to find the answers alone. Work with a coach to discover your true answers instead of copying answers from the internet.

This practice will help you come across as confident and prepared at a job interview. At the same time, you'll practice being spontaneous and sounding human in English.

You don't need to repeat the lines from your resume in your answers.

Instead, you need to show what they can't see on your resume -

your personality

The schedule
Intense, practical, immediately applicable to real-life
We meet every week. We talk daily. You can ask questions, ask for feedback, share your ideas, and help other particpants with your insights in our chat.
I'll be honored to be your coach
  • Александра Иванова
    Основатель и арт-директор в LMao
  • Иван Пантелеев
    Маркетолог в DD agency
  • Леонид Бирецкий
    Data Scientist в WON
  • Михаил Калитин
    Маркетолог в Close Connections
Watch only
You can watch other people practice and learn from their mistakes. You can ask questions about your personal situation during the Q&A session

Hot Seat Coaching - only 9 SEATS!
You will be in the spotlight and practice ALL your stories in real time with professional, human feedback

After-Party - only 5 SEATS!
You can choose to be in hot seat or receive individual coaching during the next 6 months. You will receive asynchronous feedback on your job interview practice in the form of text/video/audio messages...until you get the result that you need.
What you get
Watch only
Hot Seat
3-week training
Practice LIVE and get
immediate feedback
6-month access
Individual coaching after
the training (6 months)
Special Offers
50% OFF
for Community Members (Membership tiers Daring Learner and Daring Learner +)

for the members of the Native-Like Fluency group (current cohort)
Not a member?
Apply here
Each month, a new module begins
Старт. Вы знакомитесь с преподавателем и сокурсниками и выбираете тему дипломной работы
Самостоятельное обучение. Вы присутствуете на онлайн лекциях и изучаете материал самостоятельно
Коммуникация и обратная связь. Участвуете в обсуждении заданий и консультируетесь с преподавателем
Защита диплома и сертификат. Вы защищаете дипломную работу и получаете сертификат о прохождении курса
Запишитесь на курс сейчас
Запишитесь на курс, и мы свяжемся с вами для проведения оплаты
Нажимая кнопку оплаты, вы соглашаетесь с политикой конфиденциальности