Do this exercise to improve your Listening Skills and Build Your Vocabulary. (For coaches who want to work with English-speaking clients and for everyone who is learning to tell their story in English)
You can listen to the instructions and follow my process in the video above. The screen changes a few times when I look up the words in the dictionary.
It took me 15 min actually (7 min of listening and 8 min of working with words)
If I don't explain every step of what I do, I work a lot faster🙂
Below is the link to the episode. I worked only with the first 7 min and 30 min. In fact, you can listen to 1 min or 3 min. It is also enough to practice better listening skills.
The EntreLeadership Podcast: The Keys to Starting and Adapting Your Product with Marie Forleo
Here is my list of word combinations that I paid attention to:
1. Simple but transformative
2. Sucked down into a tsunami of self-doubt
3. to be mired in self-doubt
4. blank open spot
5. Something in my heart lit up like a Christmas tree
6. I got a pivotal call from...
7. deeper still small voice in me / the same still voice
8. stumbled across an article
9. strategize and support people in reaching their goals
10. stay on the steady paycheck
11. respectable path (career path)
12. I wasn't necessarily built to work for anyone else
13. I threw myself into doing my best to master the craft
14. you can habituate yourself to being mediocre
15. I can't seem to hold down a job
Well, I guess I heard more than 13🙂
My Attentiveness Index is 15 (given that the audio was 7 min long)
Now it's your turn!
Share your list! Everyone is welcome to do this exercise. The more people do it, the more fun it will be to exchange ideas and thoughts in the comments.*********
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